Community Development & Organizations go Results Found: 22 Button group with nested dropdown Community Family Centers Community Family Centers 7524 Avenue E Houston TX 77012 (713) 923-2316 Houston East End Chamber of Commerce ... Houston East End Chamber of Commerce 5311 Clinton Drive Houston TX 77020 (713) 926-3305 LiftFund LiftFund 3300 Chimney Rock Rd. Suite 100 A Houston TX 77056 (888) 215-2373 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council ... Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council 3110 Southwest Freeway Houston TX 77098 (713) 292-0216 East End District East End District 3211 Harrisburg Blvd. Houston TX 77003 (713) 928-9916 SERJobs SERJobs 1710 Telephone Rd. Houston TX 77023 (713) 773-6000 L.I.F.E. Houston L.I.F.E. Houston 2002 S. Wayside Drive Houston TX 77023 (713) 528-6044 Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Co... Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce 3201 Kirby Dr. Suite 400 Houston TX 77098 (713) 782-3777 Capital IDEA Houston Capital IDEA Houston 2101 Crawford Street, Ste 211 Houston TX 77002 (832)280-5343 xt: 103 YMCA of Greater Houston YMCA of Greater Houston 2600 North Loop West Suite 300 Houston TX 77092 (713) 643-4396 BakerRipley BakerRipley 4410 Navigation Blvd Houston TX 77011 (713) 315-6403 East Downtown Management District ... East Downtown Management District 1510 Emancipation Houston TX 77003 (713) 591-2014 AAMA AAMA 6001 Gulf Freeway Building E Houston TX 77023 (713) 967-6700 Houston Habitat for Humanity ReStore Houston Habitat for Humanity ReStore 6161 South Loop East Houston TX 77087 (713) 643-1100 Greater Houston Partnership ... Greater Houston Partnership 701 Avenida de las Americas, Suite 900 Houston TX 77010 (713) 844-3600 Magnolia Fund HTX Magnolia Fund HTX 6604 Harrisburg Blvd. Houston TX 77011 (713) 314-0034 Houston International Seafarers Cente... Houston International Seafarers Center Inc P.O. Box 9506 Houston TX 77261-9506 (713) 672-0511 Tejano Center for Community Concerns ... Tejano Center for Community Concerns 2950 Broadway Houston TX 77017 (713) 640-3700 Mission Milby CDC ... Mission Milby CDC 2220 Broadway Houston TX 77012 (713) 454-6464 Better Business Bureau of Greater Hou... Better Business Bureau of Greater Houston and South Texas 1333 West Loop South, Suite 1200 Houston TX 77027 (713) 868-9500 East End Communities Collaborative East End Communities Collaborative 2002 S. Wayside Dr Houston TX 77023 (713) 816-4354 Open Door Mission Open Door Mission 5803 Harrisburg Blvd Houston TX 77011 (832) 962-4239